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ASTM C230 – Standard Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement


ASTM C230 outlines the requirements for the flow table and its accessory apparatus used in determining the flow of hydraulic cement mortars. The flow test is a measure of the consistency of the mortar, which is essential for its workability and proper placement in construction applications.

Specifically, the standard covers:

  • Flow table: it specifies the design, dimensions, materials, and construction of the flow table, including the frame, table top, cam, and shaft. The table top should be of cast brass or bronze with specific hardness and weight requirements.
  • Caliper: it describes the design and dimensions of the caliper used to measure the diameter of the mortar specimen after it has been spread by the flow table.
  • Mold: it specifies the design and dimensions of the conical mold used for casting the mortar specimen.
  • Mounting and lubrication: it provides guidelines for mounting the flow table on a rigid base and lubricating the moving parts to ensure smooth operation.

ASTM C230 does not cover:

  • The procedure for conducting the flow test: the actual procedure for performing the flow test is described in other ASTM standards, such as C109, C1437, and C1506.
  • The interpretation of the flow test results: the interpretation of the flow values and their significance for mortar consistency are not within the scope of this standard.

Overall, ASTM C230 ensures that the flow table and its accessory apparatus meet specific requirements for consistent and reliable results in flow tests of hydraulic cement mortars. This standardization is crucial for quality control in cement production and construction, as it helps to maintain the desired workability and consistency of mortar used in various applications.

ASTM C230 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM C230 standard.

Contact us today to learn more about our testing capabilities and how we can support your business.



flow table; hydraulic cement; mortar; flow test; caliper; mold; table top; cam; shaft; consistency