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ICC-ES AC87 – Acceptance Criteria for Mortar Containing Admixtures


ICC-ES AC87 establishes the requirements for evaluating mortar products that contain admixtures, which are ingredients added to enhance specific properties of the mortar.

The scope of AC87 includes:

  • Types of admixtures: it covers various types of admixtures used in mortar, such as air-entraining agents, water reducers, accelerators, retarders, and other specialty admixtures.
  • Performance requirements: it outlines the performance requirements for mortar containing admixtures, including compressive strength, bond strength, air content, workability, and durability.
  • Test methods: it specifies the test methods for evaluating the mortar properties with and without admixtures, under various conditions, such as different curing times and temperatures.
  • Evaluation criteria: it provides the criteria for evaluating the test results and determining the suitability of the mortar containing admixtures for various construction applications.

Overall, ICC-ES AC87 serves as a comprehensive guideline for evaluating the performance and suitability of mortar products containing admixtures, ensuring their compliance with building codes and standards, and their effectiveness in various construction applications.



mortar; admixtures; performance; testing; evaluation; compressive strength; bond strength; air content; workability; durability; construction; building codes; standards