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ICC-ES AC559 – Acceptance Criteria for Building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Glass Façade Systems


ICC-ES AC559 outlines the acceptance criteria for evaluating Building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Glass Façade Systems. These systems incorporate photovoltaic modules into the building envelope, serving as both a building material and a power generator.

The scope of AC559 includes evaluating the following aspects of BIPV glass façade systems:

  • Structural performance: assessment of the system’s ability to withstand various loads, such as wind, snow, and seismic forces, ensuring the structural integrity of the façade.
  • Weather resistance: evaluation of the system’s resistance to water penetration, air infiltration, and other environmental factors to ensure its long-term performance and durability.
  • Fire resistance: assessment of the fire-resistant properties of the BIPV modules and the entire façade system to meet building code requirements.
  • Electrical safety: evaluation of the electrical components and wiring of the BIPV system to ensure compliance with electrical safety standards.
  • Thermal performance: assessment of the system’s thermal insulation properties and its impact on the building’s energy efficiency.
  • Installation: evaluation of the installation procedures and components to ensure proper assembly and functionality of the BIPV glass façade system.

The evaluation process typically involves a combination of testing, calculations, and review of manufacturer’s documentation to verify compliance with the acceptance criteria.



building-integrated photovoltaic; glass façade; structural performance; weather resistance; fire resistance; electrical safety; thermal performance; installation