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ICC-ES AC532 – Acceptance Criteria for 3D Printed Steel Nodes Used in Space Frames


ICC-ES AC532 defines the acceptance criteria for evaluating 3D printed steel nodes used in space frame structures. Space frames are lightweight, truss-like structures used for roofs and other architectural applications. The nodes are the connection points where the individual members of the space frame come together.

The scope of AC532 includes:

  • Material properties: evaluation of the mechanical properties of the 3D printed steel, including tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, and fatigue resistance, to ensure it meets the required structural performance.
  • Manufacturing process: assessment of the 3D printing process and quality control measures to ensure consistency and reliability in the production of the nodes.
  • Connection design: evaluation of the design of the nodes, including their geometry, size, and connection details, to ensure adequate load transfer and structural integrity of the space frame.
  • Structural analysis: assessment of the structural analysis methods used to determine the load-carrying capacity and behavior of the space frame under various loading conditions.

The evaluation process typically involves a combination of testing, calculations, and review of manufacturer’s documentation to verify compliance with the acceptance criteria.



3D printed; steel nodes; space frame; additive manufacturing; mechanical properties; tensile strength; yield strength; elongation; fatigue resistance; connection design; structural analysis; load capacity