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ICC-ES AC521 – Acceptance Criteria for Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars and Meshes for Internal Reinforcement of Non-structural Concrete Members


ICC-ES AC521 outlines the requirements for evaluating Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars and meshes used as internal reinforcement in non-structural concrete members. It aims to establish guidelines and requirements for these alternative reinforcements where traditional building codes lack specific provisions. The scope of AC521 encompasses:
  • Material properties: it specifies the requirements for the physical and mechanical properties of FRP bars and meshes, including tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and durability under various environmental conditions.
  • Testing: it details the standardized test methods for evaluating the performance of FRP bars and meshes under different loading conditions, such as tension, compression, and bending.
  • Design: it outlines the design procedures for using FRP bars and meshes as internal reinforcement in non-structural concrete members, considering factors like bond strength, anchorage, and serviceability limits.
  • Evaluation: it provides a framework for evaluating FRP bar and mesh products to ensure they meet the acceptance criteria and can be safely used as alternatives to steel reinforcement in non-structural concrete applications.
By adhering to ICC-ES AC521, manufacturers can demonstrate that their FRP bars and meshes comply with the required performance and safety standards. It also assists engineers, architects, and builders in selecting and designing appropriate FRP reinforcement for various non-structural concrete applications.



fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP); non-structural concrete; acceptance criteria; internal reinforcement; evaluation; bars; meshes; tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; durability