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ICC-ES AC507 – Acceptance Criteria for Factory Built Blast-resistant Structures
ICC-ES AC507 outlines the acceptance criteria for evaluating factory-built structures designed to resist blast loads. It focuses on the assessment of the structural analysis and design methods employed for single-story structures built with code-compliant materials, specifically for external explosions.
The scope includes evaluating the following aspects:
- Structural analysis: assessment of the methods used to analyze the structural response of the building to blast loads, including the determination of peak pressures, impulse, and duration.
- Design methods: evaluation of the design procedures used to ensure the structure can withstand the predicted blast loads without catastrophic failure. This includes considerations for the selection of materials, connection details, and overall structural configuration.
- Code compliance: verification that the materials used and the design of the structure adhere to relevant building codes and standards for blast resistance.
The evaluation process typically involves a comprehensive review of the engineering calculations, drawings, and supporting documentation submitted by the manufacturer. It may also include physical testing of components or prototypes to validate the analytical predictions.
blast; resistance; factory built; structure; explosion; structural analysis; design method; single story; code compliant material; external explosion; peak pressure; impulse; duration