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ICC-ES AC461 – Acceptance Criteria for An Alternate Gas Permeable Layer of a Subslab Depressurization System for Radon Gas Control


ICC-ES AC461 establishes the acceptance criteria for evaluating alternative gas permeable layers used in subslab depressurization systems for radon gas control. These systems are designed to reduce radon levels in buildings by creating a vacuum beneath the slab, drawing radon gas out and venting it to the exterior.

The scope of AC461 includes:

  • Material evaluation: it provides guidelines for evaluating the suitability of alternative materials, such as rigid cellular polystyrene insulation panels, to be used as the gas permeable layer instead of traditional gravel.
  • Performance requirements: it specifies the minimum performance criteria for the gas permeable layer, including permeability, compressive strength, and durability.
  • Testing procedures: it outlines the standard test methods to assess the gas permeability and compressive strength of the alternative material.
  • Installation requirements: it provides guidance on the proper installation of the alternative gas permeable layer to ensure its effectiveness in the radon mitigation system.

By adhering to AC461, manufacturers and installers can ensure that alternative gas permeable layers used in subslab depressurization systems meet the necessary performance requirements for effective radon mitigation.



acceptance criteria; subslab depressurization system; radon gas control; gas permeable layer; rigid cellular polystyrene insulation panels; permeability; compressive strength; durability