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ICC-ES AC452 – Acceptance Criteria for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene (RCPS) Geofoam Used in Interior Floor Applications


ICC-ES AC452 establishes the acceptance criteria for using rigid cellular polystyrene (RCPS) geofoam as a lightweight structural fill in interior floor cavities of buildings. This specifically includes:

  • Material requirements: outlines the physical and mechanical properties that RCPS geofoam must meet, such as density, compressive resistance, water absorption, and dimensional stability.
  • Design considerations: provides guidelines on the maximum allowable loads and deflections for RCPS geofoam used in floor applications.
  • Installation requirements: specifies the proper installation procedures for RCPS geofoam, including preparation of the subgrade, placement of the geofoam blocks, and application of the concrete or masonry topping.
  • Fire safety requirements: addresses the fire performance of RCPS geofoam, requiring it to meet specific flame spread and smoke development limitations.

By adhering to AC452, designers and builders can ensure that RCPS geofoam used in interior floor applications meets the necessary performance and safety requirements for structural integrity, fire safety, and long-term durability.



acceptance criteria; rigid cellular polystyrene; geofoam; interior floor applications; structural fill; load capacity; deflection; density; compressive resistance; water absorption; dimensional stability; fire performance; flame spread; smoke development