Full Name
ICC-ES AC429 – Acceptance Criteria for High-strength Steel Reinforcing Bars
ICC-ES AC429 outlines the acceptance criteria for high-strength steel reinforcing bars, specifically those with a specified yield strength exceeding 60,000 psi. It covers:
- Material properties: chemical composition, mechanical properties (yield strength, tensile strength, elongation), and bendability requirements.
- Manufacturing processes: manufacturing methods, quality control, and identification marking.
- Performance testing: test methods for verifying mechanical properties, including tension, bending, and fatigue tests.
- Installation requirements: guidelines for proper installation and splicing of high-strength reinforcing bars.
- Design considerations: recommendations for using high-strength reinforcing bars in structural design, including allowable stress levels and limitations.
The scope of AC429 does not include:
- Reinforcing bars with yield strength below 60,000 psi.
- Welded wire reinforcement.
- Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement.
AC429 is used by evaluation agencies to assess the suitability of high-strength reinforcing bars for use in construction projects. Compliance with AC429 helps ensure that high-strength reinforcing bars meet the necessary performance and safety requirements for their intended applications.
acceptance criteria; high-strength steel; reinforcing bars; yield strength; tensile strength; elongation; chemical composition; mechanical properties; bendability; manufacturing processes; quality control; identification marking; performance testing; tension test; bending test; fatigue test; installation requirements; splicing; design considerations; allowable stress; limitations