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ICC-ES AC417 – Acceptance Criteria for 1/2-inch Enhanced Sag-resistant Gypsum Ceiling Board


ICC-ES AC417 outlines the acceptance criteria for 1/2-inch enhanced sag-resistant gypsum ceiling board. This type of ceiling board is designed to resist sagging and maintain its flatness over time, even in humid environments.

The scope of AC417 includes:

  • Materials: it specifies the requirements for the gypsum core, face and back paper, and any additives used in the manufacturing process.
  • Performance: it outlines the testing methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of the ceiling board, including its sag resistance, flexural strength, nail pull resistance, and fire resistance.
  • Installation: it provides guidelines for the proper installation of the ceiling board, including fastening methods and joint treatment.
  • Quality control: it establishes a quality control program for manufacturers to ensure that the ceiling board consistently meets the requirements of the acceptance criteria.

The AC417 acceptance criteria are used by manufacturers to obtain an evaluation report from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), which demonstrates that their ceiling board products comply with the applicable building codes and standards.



gypsum ceiling board; sag resistance; thickness (1/2 inch); performance; fire resistance; moisture resistance; installation; quality control; building code; standard; evaluation report