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ICC-ES AC384 – Acceptance Criteria for Hot-applied Rubberized-asphalt Roof Membranes Used with Protected Membrane Ballasted Roof Systems


ICC-ES AC384 outlines the acceptance criteria for hot-applied rubberized-asphalt roof membranes specifically designed for use in protected membrane ballasted roof systems (PMBR). These systems involve placing a layer of ballast, such as gravel or pavers, over the roof membrane for protection and additional insulation.

The scope of AC384 includes:

  • Materials: it specifies the requirements for the rubberized-asphalt membrane, including its composition, physical properties, and compatibility with the ballast materials.
  • Manufacturing: it details the manufacturing processes for the membrane, ensuring consistent quality and performance.
  • Performance: it outlines the testing methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of the membrane, including its resistance to weathering, UV degradation, puncture, tear, and fatigue.
  • Installation: it provides guidelines for the proper installation of the membrane, including surface preparation, application methods, and ballast requirements, to ensure proper performance and longevity.
  • Quality control: it establishes a quality control program for manufacturers to ensure that the membrane consistently meets the requirements of the acceptance criteria, including regular testing and inspections.

The AC384 acceptance criteria are used by manufacturers to obtain an evaluation report from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), which demonstrates that their rubberized-asphalt roof membranes comply with the applicable building codes and standards for use in PMBR systems.



membrane; rubberized-asphalt; roof; roofing; protected membrane; ballasted roof system; acceptance criteria; hot-applied; ballast; gravel; pavers; weathering; UV degradation; puncture resistance; tear resistance; fatigue resistance; installation; surface preparation; application; quality control; building code; standard; evaluation report