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ICC-ES AC365 – Acceptance Criteria for Building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Roof Covering Systems


ICC-ES AC365 establishes the acceptance criteria for building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roof covering systems. These systems integrate photovoltaic modules into roofing materials, such as shingles, tiles, or panels, to generate electricity while serving as a weatherproof barrier for buildings.

The scope of AC365 includes:

  • Materials: specifies the requirements for the materials used in BIPV systems, including photovoltaic modules, roofing materials, mounting systems, and electrical components, ensuring their compatibility, durability, and weather resistance.
  • Design and construction: details the design and construction requirements for BIPV systems, including their dimensions, structural integrity, electrical connections, and grounding, to ensure safe and effective operation.
  • Performance: outlines the testing methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of BIPV systems, including their power output, efficiency, electrical safety, fire resistance, wind resistance, and water tightness.
  • Installation: provides guidelines for the proper installation of BIPV systems, including roof preparation, mounting procedures, electrical connections, and grounding, to ensure optimal performance and safety.
  • Maintenance: addresses the maintenance requirements for BIPV systems, including cleaning, inspection, and repair procedures, to ensure their long-term functionality and efficiency.

The AC365 acceptance criteria are used by manufacturers to obtain an evaluation report from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), which demonstrates that their BIPV systems comply with the applicable building codes and standards. This evaluation report is essential for ensuring that BIPV systems are installed and used safely and effectively in buildings.



photovoltaic; building-integrated photovoltaic; roof covering system; acceptance criteria; module; shingle; tile; panel; mounting system; electrical component; power output; efficiency; electrical safety; fire resistance; wind resistance; water tightness; installation; maintenance; building code; standard; evaluation report