Full Name
ICC-ES AC363 – Acceptance Criteria for Surface-applied Fire-retardant Coatings
ICC-ES AC363 outlines the acceptance criteria for surface-applied fire-retardant coatings used on various building materials to reduce their flame spread and smoke development characteristics.
The scope of AC363 includes:
- Materials: it specifies the requirements for the chemical composition, physical properties, and compatibility of the fire-retardant coatings with different substrates, such as wood, plywood, and other combustible materials.
- Performance: it outlines the testing methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the fire-retardant performance of the coatings, including flame spread index, smoke developed index, and other relevant fire tests.
- Application: it provides guidelines for the proper application of the fire-retardant coatings, including surface preparation, coating thickness, and drying conditions, to ensure their effectiveness.
- Durability: it addresses the durability of the coatings, ensuring they can maintain their fire-retardant properties under various environmental conditions and aging.
- Quality control: it establishes a quality control program for manufacturers to ensure that the fire-retardant coatings consistently meet the acceptance criteria, including batch testing and documentation.
The AC363 acceptance criteria are used by manufacturers to obtain an evaluation report from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), which demonstrates that their fire-retardant coatings comply with the applicable building codes and standards. This ensures the safe and effective use of these coatings in construction, contributing to the fire safety of buildings.
fire-retardant; coating; flame spread; smoke developed; substrate; wood; plywood; combustible material; application; durability; chemical composition; physical property; adhesion; flame spread index; smoke developed index; fire test; surface preparation; coating thickness; drying condition; quality control; building code; standard; evaluation report