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ICC-ES AC304 – Acceptance Criteria for Inspections and Inspection Agencies


ICC-ES AC304 outlines the requirements for third-party inspection agencies that conduct qualifying and follow-up inspections of products, materials, or systems recognized in ICC-ES evaluation reports and listings.

The scope of AC304 includes:

  • Qualifications: it establishes the minimum qualifications for inspection agencies, including personnel qualifications, quality management systems, and procedures for conducting inspections.
  • Inspection process: it details the inspection process, including the scope of inspections, frequency, documentation requirements, and reporting procedures.
  • Noncompliance and corrective actions: it outlines procedures for addressing noncompliance with ICC-ES evaluation reports or listings, including corrective actions and reporting to ICC-ES.

By defining these requirements, AC304 ensures that third-party inspection agencies maintain a consistent and reliable level of quality in their inspections, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the ICC-ES evaluation report and listing program.

ICC-ES AC304 Accredited Inspection Agency

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing inspections using the ICC-ES AC304 acceptance criteria.

Contact us for more information.



inspection; inspection agency; acceptance criteria; qualification; noncompliance; corrective action; evaluation report; listing; quality management system