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ICC-ES AC210 – Acceptance Criteria for Patio Covers with PVC Plastic Components


ICC-ES AC210 defines the requirements for patio covers with PVC plastic components to be recognized in an ICC-ES evaluation report under the following building codes:

  • International Building Code (IBC)
  • International Residential Code (IRC)
  • Uniform Building Code (UBC)

The scope of AC210 includes:

  • Materials: it specifies the acceptable types of PVC plastic components that can be used in the construction of patio covers.
  • Structural design: it outlines the structural design requirements for patio covers to ensure they can withstand the loads they are designed for, such as wind and snow.
  • Performance: it defines the performance criteria that patio covers must meet, such as resistance to fire, impact, and weathering.

By providing these acceptance criteria, AC210 ensures that patio covers with PVC plastic components are safe, durable, and compliant with building codes. It gives building officials, contractors, and consumers confidence that these products meet the necessary standards for quality and performance.

ICC-ES AC210 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing inspections and tests using the ICC-ES AC210 acceptance criteria (sections 4.3 and 4.6).

Contact us for more information.



patio cover; PVC; structural design; wind load; snow load; fire resistance; impact resistance; weathering resistance; building code; evaluation report; acceptance criteria