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ICC-ES AC198 – Acceptance Criteria for Chemical Admixtures Used in Concrete
ICC-ES AC198 establishes guidelines for the evaluation of chemical admixtures used in concrete that are not covered in other acceptance criteria. ICC-ES AC198 applies to various types of admixtures, such as:
- Water-reducing admixtures: these reduce the amount of water needed for a given workability, leading to higher-strength concrete or reduced cement content.
- Retarding admixtures: these slow down the setting time of concrete, allowing for longer transportation or placement times.
- Accelerating admixtures: these speed up the setting and early strength development of concrete, especially useful in cold weather conditions.
- Air-entraining admixtures: these introduce and stabilize microscopic air bubbles in concrete, improving its durability and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.
- Other specialty admixtures: these include a wide range of admixtures with specific functions, such as water-repellents, corrosion inhibitors, shrinkage-reducing agents, and alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) mitigating admixtures.
Scope of ICC-ES AC198:
- Performance requirements: outlines the performance criteria that chemical admixtures must meet, including their effects on concrete properties like workability, setting time, strength development, durability, and other relevant characteristics.
- Test methods: specifies the test methods for evaluating the properties of concrete containing chemical admixtures. These tests assess the admixture’s effectiveness and compatibility with various cement types and other concrete ingredients.
- Evaluation criteria: provides guidelines for interpreting test results and determining whether the chemical admixture meets the acceptance criteria. This includes assessing the admixture’s impact on fresh and hardened concrete properties, as well as its long-term performance and durability.
- Certification process: outlines the procedures for obtaining ICC-ES evaluation reports and listings for chemical admixtures based on compliance with AC198.
Overall, ICC-ES AC198 serves as a comprehensive resource for evaluating the performance and suitability of chemical admixtures used in concrete construction. It ensures that these admixtures meet the necessary standards for safety, quality, and performance, ultimately contributing to the construction of durable and reliable concrete structures.
chemical admixtures; concrete; performance; testing; evaluation; acceptance criteria; water-reducing admixtures; retarding admixtures; accelerating admixtures; air-entraining admixtures; specialty admixtures; workability; setting time; strength development; durability