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ICC-ES AC193 – Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements


ICC-ES AC193 establishes the acceptance criteria for evaluating mechanical anchors in concrete elements. These criteria are used within the ICC-ES evaluation report process for manufacturers seeking certification for their anchor products under the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC).

The scope of ICC-ES AC193 includes:

  • Mechanical anchors: the criteria apply to various types of mechanical anchors used to fasten structural and non-structural elements to concrete.
  • Concrete elements: this includes different types of concrete, such as normal weight, lightweight, and post-installed concrete.
  • Performance requirements: the criteria evaluate various aspects of anchor performance, including tensile strength, shear strength, combined tension and shear strength, and fatigue resistance.
  • Installation conditions: the criteria also consider different installation conditions, such as cracked and uncracked concrete, various embedment depths, and different edge distances and spacing between anchors.
  • Evaluation report: the primary purpose of the criteria is to provide a standardized framework for evaluating mechanical anchors and issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports.

ICC-ES AC193 Accredited Inspection Agency

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing inspections using the ICC-ES AC193 acceptance criteria.

Contact us for more information.



mechanical anchor; concrete element; tensile strength; shear strength; fatigue resistance; embedment depth; edge distance; spacing