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ICC-ES AC180 – Acceptance Criteria for Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles


ICC-ES AC180 establishes the acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of clay and concrete roof tiles. It outlines the requirements and test methods that these tiles must meet to be deemed acceptable for use in building construction.

The scope of AC180 includes:

  • Materials: specifications for the raw materials used in the production of clay and concrete roof tiles, ensuring their quality and durability.
  • Manufacturing: guidelines for the manufacturing process, including curing, drying, and firing (for clay tiles), to ensure consistent product quality.
  • Physical properties: requirements for the physical properties of the tiles, such as dimensions, water absorption, flexural strength, and freeze-thaw resistance.
  • Performance testing: standardized test methods for evaluating the tiles’ resistance to wind uplift, impact, and weathering, ensuring their performance under various environmental conditions.
  • Quality control: provisions for quality control measures during the manufacturing process to maintain consistent product quality.



acceptance criteria; bond strength; clay roof tile; concrete roof tile; curing; dimensions; durability; flexural strength; freeze-thaw resistance; impact resistance; manufacturing; materials; performance testing; physical properties; quality control; raw materials; roof tile; testing; water absorption; weathering; wind uplift resistance