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ICC-ES AC155 – Acceptance Criteria for Hold-downs (Tie-downs) Attached to Wood Members


ICC-ES AC155 outlines the acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of hold-downs (tie-downs) attached to wood members. These criteria ensure that the hold-downs meet the structural requirements of building codes like the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC).

Key aspects covered within the scope of AC155 include:

  • Load capacity: assessment of the hold-down’s ability to resist uplift and lateral loads in various configurations, such as single-sided and double-sided connections.
  • Connection strength: evaluation of the connection between the hold-down and the wood member, including fastener types and spacing.
  • Installation requirements: guidelines for proper installation of the hold-down to ensure its intended performance.
  • Durability: assessment of the hold-down’s resistance to corrosion and other environmental factors.



hold-down; tie-down; wood member; uplift load; lateral load; connection strength; fastener; corrosion resistance