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ICC-ES AC132 – Acceptance Criteria for Attic Vents


ICC-ES AC132 establishes the acceptance criteria for static ventilating attic vents to be recognized in ICC-ES evaluation reports under the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC).

In simpler terms, it outlines the requirements for attic vents, which are passive ventilation devices that allow air to circulate in attic spaces. These criteria ensure that the attic vents meet specific standards for performance, durability, and weather resistance, contributing to the overall energy efficiency and moisture control of buildings.

Key aspects covered by ICC-ES AC132 include:

  • Performance requirements: establishes minimum standards for net free ventilating area, resistance to wind-driven rain, and structural performance under wind and snow loads.
  • Testing procedures: details the methods for evaluating the performance of attic vents under various conditions, ensuring they can function effectively in different climates and weather patterns.
  • Materials and construction: specifies requirements for the materials used in attic vents and their construction, ensuring they are durable and resistant to deterioration.

By adhering to ICC-ES AC132, manufacturers can ensure their attic vent products are suitable for use in residential and commercial construction and meet the requirements of building codes. This helps ensure the proper ventilation and moisture control of attic spaces, contributing to the overall energy efficiency and longevity of buildings.

ICC-ES AC132 Accredited Inspection Agency

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing inspections using the ICC-ES AC132 acceptance criteria.

Contact us for more information.



ventilating area; attic vents; net free area; wind-driven rain; structural performance