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ICC-ES AC120 – Acceptance Criteria for Wood-frame Horizontal Diaphragms, Vertical Shear Walls and Braced Walls with Alternative Fasteners
ICC-ES AC120 establishes criteria for evaluating alternative fasteners used in wood-frame construction for:
- Horizontal diaphragms: structural elements that transfer lateral loads, such as wind or earthquake forces, across a building’s horizontal plane.
- Vertical shear walls: structural walls that resist lateral forces acting parallel to the plane of the wall.
- Braced walls: walls reinforced with diagonal braces to resist lateral forces.
The scope of AC120 focuses on the use of alternative fasteners, meaning those that differ from the prescriptive requirements in building codes. This allows for innovation and the use of new fastening technologies in wood-frame construction.
AC120 provides guidelines for evaluating the performance and suitability of these alternative fasteners, ensuring they meet the necessary structural requirements for safety and code compliance. It covers aspects such as:
- Fastener types: nails, screws, staples, adhesives, and other fastening methods.
- Performance requirements: strength, durability, corrosion resistance, and compatibility with wood and other building materials.
- Test methods: procedures for evaluating the fastener performance under various loading conditions, such as shear, tension, and withdrawal.
- Evaluation criteria: criteria for assessing the test results and determining the acceptability of the alternative fasteners for use in wood-frame diaphragms, shear walls, and braced walls.
By providing a standardized framework for evaluating alternative fasteners, AC120 helps ensure that innovative construction methods and materials can be safely and effectively incorporated into wood-frame buildings.
fasteners; wood-frame; diaphragm; shear wall; braced wall; alternative; performance; evaluation; strength; durability; corrosion resistance; testing; nails; screws; staples; adhesives; building code