ICC-ES AC101.2

Full Name

ICC-ES AC101.2 – Acceptance Criteria for Grease Duct Enclosure Assemblies: Segmented Grease Duct Systems


ICC-ES AC101.2 establishes guidelines for evaluating segmented grease duct systems serving Type I kitchen hoods. These systems consist of factory-fabricated grease duct segments installed with a grease duct enclosure system to meet the requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) and International Mechanical Code (IMC). Key points:
  • Focus: segmented grease duct systems.
  • Application: type I kitchen hoods.
  • Components: factory-fabricated grease duct segments and grease duct enclosure systems.
  • Compliance: ensures the systems meet IBC and IMC requirements.



segmented grease duct; grease duct enclosure; type I kitchen hood; factory-fabricated; international building code (IBC); international mechanical code (IMC); fire resistance; performance evaluation