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ICC-ES AC10 – Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation


ICC-ES AC10 establishes the requirements for quality documentation that manufacturers must submit to ICC-ES during the product evaluation and listing process. The scope of AC10 includes:
  • Quality management system (QMS): AC10 outlines the requirements for a manufacturer’s QMS, which must demonstrate the ability to consistently produce products that meet the specified requirements and standards. This includes documenting procedures for controlling materials, processes, testing, inspection, and corrective actions.
  • Product specifications: AC10 requires detailed product specifications, including drawings, material descriptions, dimensions, tolerances, and performance characteristics. These specifications ensure that the product being evaluated is clearly defined and can be consistently manufactured.
  • Inspection and testing: AC10 outlines the requirements for inspection and testing procedures to verify that the manufactured products conform to the approved specifications and standards. This includes in-process inspections, final product inspections, and testing protocols.
  • Corrective actions: AC10 requires procedures for identifying and addressing nonconformities in the manufacturing process or product quality. This includes root cause analysis, corrective actions, and preventive actions to prevent recurrence.
  • Records and documentation: AC10 mandates the maintenance of comprehensive records related to the QMS, product specifications, inspection and testing results, and corrective actions. These records provide evidence of the manufacturer’s commitment to quality and compliance with the acceptance criteria.
In essence, the scope of ICC-ES AC10 covers the entire quality documentation process, from establishing a robust QMS to documenting and maintaining records throughout the product lifecycle. By ensuring that manufacturers have a well-defined and documented quality system, AC10 helps to ensure the consistent quality and performance of building products evaluated by ICC-ES.



ICC-ES AC10; quality documentation; quality management system (QMS); product specifications; drawings; material descriptions; dimensions; tolerances; performance characteristics; inspection procedures; testing protocols; in-process inspections; final product inspections; corrective actions; root cause analysis; preventive actions; records; nonconformities; evaluation report; listing; code compliance