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ICC-ES AC04 – Acceptance Criteria for Sandwich Panels


ICC-ES AC04 is a set of acceptance criteria used to evaluate and provide recognition for sandwich panels in ICC-ES evaluation reports, which are issued under various building codes like the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), and others.

The scope of ICC-ES AC04 encompasses the following:

  • Evaluation procedures: it outlines the procedures and testing requirements for assessing the structural performance, fire resistance, and other relevant properties of sandwich panels.
  • Recognition in evaluation reports: it serves as the basis for determining whether a sandwich panel meets the necessary standards to be recognized in an ICC-ES evaluation report.
  • Application to building codes: the criteria are designed to be applicable to sandwich panels used in construction projects that fall under the jurisdiction of the building codes mentioned earlier.

ICC-ES AC04 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing inspections and tests using the ICC-ES AC04 acceptance criteria (section 4.0).
Contact us for more information.



sandwich panels; acceptance criteria; evaluation reports; building codes; structural performance; fire resistance; testing; evaluation; recognition; construction; materials; properties