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ICC-ES AC02 – Acceptance Criteria for Reflective Insulation


ICC-ES AC02 defines the requirements and test procedures for evaluating reflective insulation products. Its scope includes:
  • Material properties: evaluating the physical and thermal properties of reflective insulation materials, such as reflectivity, emissivity, and R-value (thermal resistance).
  • Fire performance: assessing the fire resistance of reflective insulation through tests like flame spread, smoke developed, and surface burning characteristics.
  • Durability: examining the durability and aging characteristics of reflective insulation to ensure long-term performance.
  • Installation requirements: specifying the proper installation methods for reflective insulation to achieve the intended thermal performance.
  • Labeling and Identification: requiring manufacturers to label reflective insulation products with essential information like R-value, fire performance ratings, and installation instructions.
This acceptance criteria serves as a guideline for manufacturers, builders, and code officials to ensure that reflective insulation products meet minimum standards for safety, performance, and energy efficiency. It helps to ensure that reflective insulation is used appropriately in buildings and contributes to energy savings and thermal comfort.



reflective insulation; acceptance criteria; reflectivity; emissivity; R-value; flame spread; smoke developed; surface burning characteristics; durability; aging characteristics; thermal performance; installation methods; labeling requirements