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IAPMO UES EC 003 – Evaluation Criteria for Testing and Analysis of Steel Sheet Sheathing for Wood and Cold-Formed Steel Light-Framed Structure Shear Walls


IAPMO UES EC 003 establishes requirements for steel sheet sheathing used in shear walls of light-framed construction involving wood and cold-formed steel framing.

Key points about IAPMO UES EC 003:

  • Purpose: it sets out the criteria for evaluating and testing steel sheet sheathing used in shear walls of specific types of construction.
  • Application: the document applies to uncorrugated steel sheathing used in light-frame shear walls where the framing is made of cold-formed steel or wood.
  • Equivalency: shear walls designed using IAPMO-ES EC-003 can be used as alternatives to conventional shear walls built with wood and cold-formed steel, following specific conditions.


steel sheet sheathing; shear walls; light-framed construction; cold-formed steel framing; wood framing; shear testing; analysis; building codes; IAPMO UES; evaluation criteria
