ASTM F1575
Full Name
ASTM F1575 – Standard Test Method for Determining Bending Yield Moment of Nails
ASTM F1575 is a standard test method used to determine the bending yield moment of nails designed for engineered connections. The bending yield moment is a critical factor in assessing the performance of nails under bending loads, which is important for ensuring the structural integrity of connections in buildings and other structures.
The test method involves subjecting a nail specimen to a static bending load and measuring the resulting deformation. The bending yield moment is then calculated based on the load-deformation curve. The standard defines the bending yield moment as the point on the curve that falls between the proportional limit load (the point at which the nail begins to deform plastically) and the maximum load (the highest load the nail can withstand before failure).
To determine the bending yield moment, the standard specifies a graphical method. A straight line is fitted to the initial linear portion of the load-deformation curve. This line represents the elastic behavior of the nail. An offset line is then created by shifting the initial linear line down by a distance equal to 5% of the nail diameter. The bending yield moment is the load value at the point where the offset line intersects the load-deformation curve. If the offset line doesn’t intersect the curve, the maximum load is used as the yield load.
ASTM F1575 Accredited Laboratory
Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM F1575 standard.
Our laboratory offers comprehensive testing services in accordance with ASTM F1575. We have the expertise and equipment necessary to conduct accurate and reliable bending yield moment tests for nails used in various engineered connections. By testing your nails according to this standard, you can gain valuable insights into their performance under bending loads and ensure they meet the required design specifications for your project.
We can help you achieve optimal performance and safety in your construction projects. Contact us for more information.
bending yield moment; nail; engineered connection; static loading; bending load; deformation; load-deformation curve; proportional limit load; maximum load; elastic behavior; offset line