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ASTM E588 – Standard Practice for Detection of Large Inclusions in Bearing Quality Steel by the Ultrasonic Method


ASTM E588 outlines a procedure for assessing the cleanliness of bearing quality steel using immersion ultrasonic techniques. This standard is crucial for identifying large inclusions or clusters of small inclusions that can adversely affect bearing performance.

Key aspects of ASTM E588 include:

  • Ultrasonic inspection: utilizes ultrasonic waves to detect internal flaws and defects.
  • Inclusion rating: classifies steel based on the number and size of detected inclusions.
  • Immersion technique: requires the specimen to be submerged in a liquid coupling medium.
  • Reference blocks: Uses standardized reference blocks for calibration and comparison.

By following ASTM E588, manufacturers can evaluate the quality of bearing steel and ensure the production of reliable and durable components.



ultrasonic inspection; bearing quality steel; large inclusions; immersion ultrasonic; inclusion rating; reference block; steel cleanliness; defect detection