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ASTM E331 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference


ASTM E331 is a critical standard used to evaluate the resistance of building envelope components to water leakage. This test method is crucial for ensuring the performance and durability of these components, preventing costly water damage, and maintaining comfortable indoor environments.

This standard outlines a procedure where a test specimen, representing a window, skylight, door, or curtain wall, is subjected to a controlled, uniform static air pressure difference. The test specimen is mounted in a test chamber, and a spray rack with calibrated nozzles simulates various intensities of wind-driven rain.

The applied air pressure difference forces the water towards the specimen, simulating real-world conditions. The test evaluates the specimen’s ability to resist water penetration at its exterior surface, joints, and connections.

Key aspects of ASTM E331:

  • Pressure differences: the test method specifies a range of air pressure differences to simulate various wind load conditions.
  • Water spray rates: the standard defines specific water application rates to represent different intensities of rainfall.
  • Test durations: the test duration is determined by the specific requirements of the building code or product specifications.
  • Pass/fail criteria: the standard defines pass/fail criteria based on the presence or absence of water penetration through the test specimen.

Compliance with ASTM E331 provides valuable assurance to architects, builders, and homeowners. It ensures:

  • Watertight building envelopes: the test identifies potential weaknesses in design, materials, or installation that could lead to leaks.
  • Reduced risk of water damage: by identifying and addressing water penetration issues early, costly repairs and potential mold growth can be avoided.
  • Improved energy efficiency: watertight building envelopes contribute to a more energy-efficient building by preventing air leakage.

ASTM E331 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM E331 standard.

Contact us today to learn more about our testing capabilities and how we can support your business.



water penetration; air pressure; static pressure; exterior walls; windows; skylights; doors; curtain walls; test method; air leakage; structural performance; water resistance; building envelope; test specimen; pressure difference