ASTM E2489
Full Name
ASTM E2489 – Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of One-Sample and Two-Sample Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Programs
This practice describes methods for the statistical analysis of laboratory results obtained from interlaboratory proficiency testing programs.
As in accordance with Practice E1301, proficiency testing is the use of interlaboratory comparisons for the determination of laboratory testing or measurement performance. Conversely, collaborative study (or collaborative trial) is the use of interlaboratory comparisons for the determination of the precision of a test method, as covered by Practice E691.
- Method A covers testing programs using single test results obtained by testing a single sample (each laboratory submits a single test result).
- Method B covers testing programs using paired test results obtained by testing two samples (each laboratory submits one test result for each of the two samples). The two samples should be of the same material or two materials similar enough to have approximately the same degree of variation in test results.
proficiency testing; statistical analysis