ASTM D5971

Full Name

ASTM D5971 – Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Controlled Low-Strength Material


ASTM D5971 is a standard practice that provides guidelines for obtaining representative samples of freshly mixed controlled low-strength material (CLSM) at the project site.

This practice specifically addresses sampling CLSM from:

  • revolving-drum truck mixers
  • agitating equipment used for transporting central-mixed CLSM

It’s important to note that this standard focuses solely on the sampling procedure, not on the selection of test batches or the tests themselves. While it doesn’t dictate specific test batch selection, it recommends random sampling for determining overall compliance with specifications. Furthermore, ASTM D5971 is based on Practice C172 for concrete.

The standard emphasizes the importance of taking every precaution to obtain samples that truly represent the nature and condition of the CLSM. While the standard doesn’t detail specific procedures for every possible scenario, it provides a framework for developing a sampling plan. The goal is to minimize variability and ensure the samples accurately reflect the overall quality of the CLSM. Generally, composite samples are required unless specific tests, such as those for consistency uniformity or mixer efficiency, dictate otherwise.

ASTM D5971 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM D5971 standard.

Contact us today to discuss your testing needs and ensure your project meets the required standards.



controlled low-strength material; CLSM; sampling; composite sample; flow consistency; unit weight; density; air content; quality control; truck mixers; revolving-drum; agitating equipment; test batches; random sampling; freshly mixed; project site