ASTM D4972

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ASTM D4972 – Standard Test Methods for pH of Soils


Soil pH, a critical measure of soil acidity or alkalinity, plays a vital role in various fields, including agriculture, environmental science, geotechnical engineering, and natural resource management. ASTM D4972 provides standardized procedures for determining this property.

ASTM D4972 focuses on measuring the pH of soils that can pass through a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve. This standard is applicable across diverse disciplines where understanding soil pH is essential for informed decision-making. The pH is determined in both water and a 0.01 M calcium chloride solution to provide a comprehensive understanding of the soil’s chemical environment. This dual measurement is necessary because calcium ions can displace exchangeable aluminum, influencing the measured pH. The calcium chloride solution also helps mimic the soil’s natural ionic strength, providing a more realistic assessment.

The standard outlines two distinct methods for pH measurement:

  1. Method A (Potentiometric Method): this method utilizes a potentiometer equipped with a pH-sensitive electrode system. It offers higher resolution and is suitable for applications demanding precise measurements. This method is generally preferred for its accuracy and is considered the default method when no specific method is requested.
  2. Method B (Indicator Paper Method): this method employs pH-sensitive paper to estimate the soil pH. While convenient for field or preliminary assessments, it provides lower resolution and is best suited when an approximate pH value is sufficient. It’s important to note that Method A is required when higher accuracy is needed.

The general procedure involves air-drying and sieving a representative soil sample. Two specimens are prepared from the material passing the 2.00 mm sieve. One specimen is mixed with distilled or deionized water, and the other with the calcium chloride solution. Both mixtures are stirred thoroughly and allowed to stand for one hour before pH measurement using either Method A or B.

Soil pH significantly influences various soil properties and processes:

  • Mineral solubility: the solubility of various minerals, including heavy metals, is pH-dependent. Changes in pH can influence the release or retention of these elements in the soil.
  • Soil structure: pH can indirectly affect soil structure by influencing the activity of soil organisms and the stability of soil aggregates.
  • Nutrient availability: pH affects the availability of essential nutrients to plants. Different nutrients have optimal pH ranges for uptake, and deviations from these ranges can lead to nutrient deficiencies or toxicities.
  • Microbial activity: soil microorganisms, crucial for nutrient cycling and decomposition, are sensitive to pH changes. Optimal pH ranges vary for different microbial communities.
  • Plant growth: soil pH directly and indirectly impacts plant growth by affecting nutrient availability, microbial activity, and the presence of toxic elements.

ASTM D4972 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM D4972 standard.

Contact us today to discuss your soil testing requirements and learn how we can help you gain valuable insights into your soil’s properties.



pH; soil; acidity; alkalinity; calcium chloride; water; reaction; solubility; ions; corrosion; measurement; test method; precision; bias