ASTM D4832

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ASTM D4832 – Standard Test Method for Preparation and Testing of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) Test Cylinders


Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM), also known as flowable fill, is a versatile material used in construction for various applications such as backfilling, trench filling, and void filling. ASTM D4832 provides a standardized method for preparing and testing CLSM cylindrical specimens to determine their compressive strength.

This standard is applicable to CLSM with strengths greater than that of soil but less than 8400 kPa (1200 psi). The typical strength range for most applications falls between 350 and 700 kPa (50 and 100 psi). The standard also applies to other soil-cementitious mixtures like self-cementing fly ash. The information derived from this test method is crucial for mix design, quality control, acceptance testing, and determining the material’s readiness for service.

Specimen preparation: the CLSM sample should be collected after all on-site adjustments to the mixture, including water and admixture additions. Single-use plastic molds, typically 15 cm (6 in) in diameter and 30 cm (12 in) in height, are recommended. Other mold dimensions are acceptable as long as a 2:1 length-to-diameter ratio is maintained. A minimum of 0.03 m³ (1 ft³) of the sample is required for preparing two cylinders. At least two cylinders per test age are recommended to represent the sampled batch accurately.

Curing and transportation: ASTM D4832 emphasizes replicating field curing conditions for the test specimens. This involves procedures that simulate the actual curing environment the CLSM will experience in the field. Careful handling during transportation is essential to prevent damage to the specimens, which could affect the test results.

Compression testing: a compression testing machine conforming to ASTM C39 is used for testing the specimens. Specific requirements for readability and calibration are outlined in the standard. The compressive strength is calculated based on the maximum load and the cross-sectional area of the specimen.

The compressive strength data obtained from this test method serves several critical purposes:

  • Acceptance testing: verifying that the CLSM meets specified strength requirements.
  • Mix design: optimizing the mixture proportions to achieve the desired strength.
  • Quality control: monitoring the consistency and quality of the CLSM throughout the project.
  • Service readiness: determining when the CLSM has reached sufficient strength to be put into service.

ASTM D4832 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM D4832 standard.

Contact us today to discuss your testing needs and learn how we can assist you with your construction projects.



CLSM; compressive strength; construction control; mix design; quality control; soil stabilization; backfill; flowable fill; controlled density fill; cylindrical test specimens; curing; transporting; testing; preparation; soil-cement slurry