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ASTM C702 – Standard Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size
ASTM C702 is a standard practice that outlines procedures for reducing the size of aggregate samples while maintaining their representativeness. This is important because large field samples or laboratory-produced samples are often too bulky for testing. The practice aims to provide a standardized method for obtaining smaller, more manageable samples that still accurately reflect the properties of the original material.
Key aspects covered by ASTM C702:
- Sample types: the standard is applicable to both fine and coarse aggregates, as well as mixtures of both.
- Reduction methods – it describes three methods for reducing sample size:
- Method A: mechanical splitter (preferred for most aggregates)
- Method B: quartering (manual method for smaller samples)
- Method C: miniature stockpile (only for damp fine aggregate)
- Sample size: it provides guidance on the minimum sample sizes required for various tests, depending on the nominal maximum aggregate size.
- Significance: it emphasizes the importance of obtaining representative samples for accurate testing and highlights the potential consequences of improper sample reduction.
Overall, ASTM C702 is essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of aggregate testing. By following the standardized procedures, laboratories and technicians can obtain representative samples that accurately reflect the properties of the original material, leading to more accurate and reliable test results.
ASTM C702 Accredited Laboratory
Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM C702 standard.
Contact us today to learn more about our testing capabilities and how we can support your business.
aggregate; sampling; sample reduction; mechanical splitter; quartering; miniature stockpile; representativeness; testing size; field sample; laboratory sample