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ASTM C70 – Standard Test Method for Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate
ASTM C70 focuses on the field determination of the amount of surface moisture (also known as free moisture) in fine aggregates.
This test method covers:
- Purpose: determining the surface moisture content of fine aggregate by water displacement.
- Applicability: fine aggregates intended for use in concrete or other construction materials.
- Procedure:
- A known volume of fine aggregate is submerged in water.
- The volume of displaced water is measured.
- The surface moisture content is calculated based on the known specific gravity of the aggregate and the displaced water volume.
- Limitations:
- This test method is less commonly used compared to other moisture content tests (e.g., ASTM C566) due to its more involved procedure.
- The accuracy of the test depends on accurate information about the bulk specific gravity of the saturated-surface-dry aggregate.
The results from ASTM C70 can be used to adjust the aggregate mass for moisture content and to determine the surface moisture contribution to the mixing water in portland cement concrete.
While not as widely used as other methods, ASTM C70 remains a useful tool for field or plant determination of moisture content in fine aggregates, especially when specific gravity values are known and drying facilities are unavailable.
ASTM C70 Accredited Laboratory
Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM C70 standard.
Contact us for more information.
surface moisture; fine aggregate; water displacement; specific gravity; flask; calibration