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ASTM C451 – Standard Test Method for Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement (Paste Method)


ASTM C451 covers the determination of early stiffening in hydraulic cement paste.

Key points:

  • Purpose: the main purpose of this test method is to identify the degree to which cement paste develops early stiffening and to determine if a cement complies with a specification limit on early stiffening. Early stiffening can be an indicator of issues like false set or flash set.
  • Material: this test method is designed specifically for hydraulic cement paste, which is a mixture of cement and water.
  • Measurement: the test involves measuring the penetration of a Vicat needle into the cement paste at two different times. The ratio of the final penetration to the initial penetration, expressed as a percentage, is used to assess early stiffening.

ASTM C451 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM C451 standard.

Contact us today to learn more about our testing capabilities and how we can support your business.



Vicat apparatus; initial penetration; final penetration; time of setting; false set; flash set; early stiffening; hydraulic cement paste; normal consistency; paste method; test specimen; test procedure; penetration resistance; temperature; water-cement ratio