ASTM C1904

Full Name

ASTM C1904 – Standard Test Methods for Determination of the Effects of Biogenic Acidification on Concrete Antimicrobial Additives and/or Concrete Products


As described in Guide C1894, the microbially induced corrosion (MIC) of concrete is considered to be a three-stage process with the reduction in pH (Stage I) (for example, 12.5 > pH > 9-10), the establishment of biofilms which further lowers the pH (Stage II) (for example, 9-10 > pH > 4-6) and eventual deterioration due to biogenic acid exposure (Stage III) (for example, < ~4 pH).

This standard provides standard test methods to assess the effects of different stages of MIC on concrete products and efficacy of antimicrobial products used in or on concrete.


biofilm; biogenic (biotic) acidification; chemical (abiotic) acidification; concrete; concrete boxes; concrete pipe; hydrogen sulfide (H2S); manholes; microbially-induced corrosion (MIC) of concrete; mortar; portland cement; sewage; sulfate oxidizing bacteria (SOB); sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB); three-sided structures; wastewater
