ASTM C1688

Full Name

ASTM C1688 – Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of Freshly Mixed Pervious Concrete


ASTM C1688 is a standard test method for determining the density of freshly mixed pervious concrete. It also provides formulas for calculating the void content of pervious concrete. However, the test results are not meant to represent the in-place density and void content of the concrete.

The scope of ASTM C1688 includes:

  • Density determination: this test method is specifically designed to measure the density of freshly mixed pervious concrete under standardized conditions.
  • Void content calculation: it provides formulas for calculating the void content of pervious concrete based on the measured density and the theoretical maximum density of the mix.
  • Limitations: the standard acknowledges that the test results do not represent the actual in-place density and void content of the concrete, as these properties can be affected by various factors during placement and compaction.

In summary, ASTM C1688 serves as a standardized method for assessing the density and void content of freshly mixed pervious concrete in a laboratory setting. This information is valuable for quality control purposes, mix design development, and comparison of different pervious concrete mixtures.

ASTM C1688 Accredited Laboratory

Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC is accredited for performing tests using the ASTM C1688 standard.

Contact us today to learn more about our testing capabilities and how we can support your business.



pervious concrete; density; void content; freshly mixed; consolidation; test method